Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have been painting but each time I go to to photograph, it's started 
raining---which Texas needs! I spend some time each day looking at other 
artists' work whether contemporary daily painters or past artists hoping 
whatever it is I like about their work will rub off on me. And then as I try 
to channel them while painting, I fear I will copy them. The antidote to 
that fear is to go ahead and copy . . . just trying to emulate someone 
else's style doesn't result in a work that could be mistaken for the 
actual artist's. 


Virginia Floyd said...

Beautiful, Lorraine. I share your feelings about wanting to copy someone else's style. I guess if I don't try to sell it or anything, I won't get thrown in jail. My daughter tells me that I should copy..that I'll learn that way.

Hey, maybe I'll copy you! I love your style!

Lorraine Shirkus said...

Virginia . . . that is truly a touching compliment! I have a book written by Juliette Aristides about her atelier school and that's how they teach---copying the masters.

Becky Joy said...

Nice brushwork and rich color.