Friday, September 17, 2010

Eve on a Plate Sold

Depending on the angle, these apples have a Mae West "bosom" 
which seem impossible and they're very hard to paint. Something in 
me is still resisting exaggerating it enough to capture its true personality. 
I was going to abandon apples for a bit and paint something like glass 
which I have no preconceived notions about and no experience with . . . 
I would have to really look at shapes and values. My compulsiveness, 
however, continues to be drawn to apples. Sometimes that tenacity is 
good and sometimes it's good to take a hiatus and return with fresh eyes. 


Linda Popple said...

The colors in this are beautiful - I love the plate and the reflections in the apple. Just a beautiful color combination.

Virginia Floyd said...

I love the aqua plate against the reds of the apple. and I love the looseness of your brushstrokes. Very nice!

I was so interested in your description of the Eve apple that I had to Google it. Made me want to travel down under.