Friday, November 1, 2013

Lemons/Shot Glass

The shot glass has white marbling all through it—
very pretty but impossible (for me) to paint a real
likeness of it. On the last post, I didn't want to say
I was trying to channel my inner Stanley Bielen
because no one else can pack so much emotion into
a small painting of simple objects, but, yup, I was.
But, it seems like not a bad way to start if one is trying
to get free of self-imposed fetters? Thanks so much
to everyone who comments—can't tell you how thrilled
I am when someone takes the time!


cath carbone said...

Très joli post ! c'est magnifique !
Merci de ta visite et tes commentaires sur mes pages de blogs! bon week-end!

claire christinel said...

I love all the little colour surprises in this piece Lorraine. The mauve line beneath, and the touch of aqua on the left, of the full lemon. The bright (is it red iron oxide) under the cut lemon, and the touch of yellow on left inside the shot glass. These subtle but powerful hits of colour really make it come alive.

claire christinel said...

I love all the little colour surprises in this piece Lorraine. The line of greyed mauve under the full lemon, the touch of yellow on the inside left of of the shot glass, and touch of aqua on the left of full lemon. All those little punches of colour really make it come alive.

hmuxo said...

I love the way you painted these lemons, Lorraine! This is a beautiful piece!!

martinealison said...

Bonjour ma chère Lorraine,

Je connais la perfection avec laquelle tu t'attaches et t'attardes... Chacune de tes oeuvres sont de véritables perles. Cette dernière citronnée à merveille a elle seule une grande saveur.
Belle peinture.
Gros bisous

Helen Cooper said...

Great composition and choice of colours!

Unknown said...

Nice painting.....Great painting skills you have!!!

Customized Shot Glass