Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Field with Cattails - Sold

After the last two distance paintings (actually, there's a third that's
not finished yet), it felt natural to carry on with the mark-making.
This was mostly just about the pleasure of pushing paint around.


Carol Flatt said...

Well done, Lorraine. The painting shows the thoughtful planning and efforts you put into it. Through texture, brushwork, color and mark-making your painting has a strong, yet peaceful sense of place. I like the balance of horizontals (clouds, sky, meadow) and verticals (trees, cattails).

hmuxo said...

I must say, Lorraine, you push your paint around beautifully! LOVE your brush work!!!

juliefordoliver.blogspot.com said...

I particularly like the way you handled the paint in the front - rich, confident and great texture. It makes the rest go into the distance.

Dana Johnson Plein air Artist said...

love your brushstrokes!!

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

This one really speaks to me Lorraine....love where you are going with your art.

Karen Werner said...

Very nice. Love your greens, and especially the way you did the foreground/fencing.