Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Downtown Sunday

I really enjoy painting these city scenes because they offer
so many variables and compositional relationships to consider.
With so much to look at, I'm forced to simplify and use a kind
of "shorthand" to convey the scene. I find it hard at times to
not spell everything out and these are great practice to enable
that mind shift. Hope to take more liberties and get braver
with the paint.


hmuxo said...

Very nice Cityscape, Lorraine. Wonderful eyes take me all over the canvas..and I love the blues in the street...

Jane said...

Haven't visited for quite a while, and I see you have changed your usual subjects completely !I love this colorful cityscene, very inspiring...might try doing one myself .-) said...

Love the movement in this one. The car seems to be moving - amazing!

martinealison said...

Même en allant à l'essentiel il est difficile de faire le tri !
J'aime beaucoup votre scène de ville.
Les couleurs jonglent entre elles et se modifient avec la lumière qui veut entrer dans le jeu...
Très joli travail.
Gros bisous à vous

Carol Flatt said...

Lovely scene, Lorraine, with clean, fresh color! Charming buildings.

Virginia Floyd said...

I'm loving your paintings of SA, Lorraine, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts about the painting process. It's so difficult to simplify a scene. My brain just want to put in everything! I like seeing the two versions of the bridge. I think the 2nd one is better. Nice job of simplifying!