Monday, February 4, 2013

Camp Street

Surrounding my small Victorian neighborhood are a lot of derelict industrial
buildings that are being revitalized or gentrified into fancy pants lofts. Not
sure why I hadn't been enamored of them before but suddenly they're very
rich subjects. And subjects that lend themselves to a lot of interpretation.
While painting heads I really feel the push/pull tug of trying to be somewhat
faithful while intending to not be and then I forget my aim is to make a
painting. The right brain/left brain thing. At the same time, I'm committed to
becoming somewhat proficient. So maybe alternating subjects is a way to
move forward? I felt no need to put in every window so maybe in the future,
I could leave out an eye or nose or a body part in a figure? Before signing off,
I just want to thank everyone who visits my blog and takes the time to comment.


cath carbone said...

Ton sujet de peinture est très bien travaillé, j'ai me beaucoup la structure et le choix de tes couleurs, le sujet est très bien mis en valeur, très belle peinture!j'aime beaucoup.
Belle journée à toi Lorraine.
Bises- Cath

Linda Popple said...

I love paintings of industrial sites! They are so interesting and I look forward to seeing more from you. The wires add interest and I like your composition. Well done!

hmuxo said...

This is FANTASTIC, Lorraine...I really love this painting....I visualize a 1936 Ford instead of a new car in front of this building. It's definitely a favorite!!

Carol Flatt said...

I think it's healthy to switch subject matter on occasion, Lorraine. It gives the brain a chance for some thinking in a new direction, use some new colors and plan a new composition. I love this urban look. The blue/orange combination brings it alive.

mellymel said...

I also love this painting. I love the looseness, the composition, the colors. Really beautiful Lorraine!

Jane said...

Oh my , this is really something different, but you pulled it off excellently. A great challenge, but sometimes we need a break from routine, and you can do it all :-)

Rubén Opazo said...

Tan interesante como sus trabajos son sus comentarios de los mismos. He visto sus últimas obras y siento una gran integridad en ellos, usted es lo que pinta. Que parece ser algo lógico, pero que no siempre lo es.
Su obra me produce una exaltación, anímica e intelectual.
Un Abrazo afectuoso, estimada Lorraine.