Thursday, October 25, 2012


These were the most uncooperative models! I had started
this painting with another arrangement only to find they
had completely shifted overnight. I painted the rearrangement
on top of what was already there and focused on their unruly
personalities. It was an opportunity to practice leaving stuff out.
By the time I got to the flower on the right, it felt right to mix
the grays, then use a few bright strokes and decide it was enough.


Darla McDowell said...

This painting is a beautiful mosaic of light and color. I particularly love your temperature changes in the yellow petals. Gorgeous!

Carol Flatt said...

A gem! Love the grays with the reds and yellows. Perfect lead-in reflection!

Shirley Fachilla said...

You captured their unruliness and the gorgeous light reflection in the vase.
Who would have known that flowers would be such fidgey models!

hmuxo said...

Beautifully painted, Lorraine. Love the vase and wonderful colors....

Peter Lee said...

nice brush strokes - very spontaneous and dynamic - maybe your model wasn't too bad after all :)