Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Apple, Cup, Orange

This really isn't what I intended for this painting at all but it was
coming together in a way that I was liking so I decided to forget the
"plan" and just go where it was leading me.


Ann Rogers said...

Love it, just wish my paintings led me in the same directions as yours do!

Kathy Cousart said...

Glad you listened! This is wonderful!

Jeanne Lubey said...

Your paintings have such poetic
mystic. Do you give classes?
Jeanne Lubey

ELFI said...

très beau travail..les couleurs sont subtiles!

Jane said...

Good you decided to follow the painting and to forget about plans, it has an incredible glow to it, really do you do it, is there some trick you could reveal??

Lorraine Shirkus said...

Thanks everybody for your comments!

Jane . . . not a trick. It's a matter of graying down some colors so other brighter (usually complementary) colors next to them can pop. When I worked from imagination, color was my main concern so having that intention was something to work towards. Working from life has made that more difficult because I often get distracted by the literal aspects of what I see and forget to work the color. If you have soft pastels and a few different sheets of colored pastel paper, it's an easy way to experiment---you can see with the first stroke which chalks resonate against the colored ground. As a watercolorist, you are always painting on white but with some experimenting, it should translate to your medium too.

Jane said...

Lorraine thank you for taking your time to explain, I will check out the link , too.

claire christinel said...

Lorraine just keep on listening to those intentions! I love this painting. The whole thing is gorgeous but the cup is an absolute killer! The reflections are so well done and the grays really set off the fruit. You're inspiring me big time!