Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Espresso 7

A many-layered "thing." This was painted, degraded, sanded, built
up, scraped, some areas layered with transparent paint and Liquin,
and some with layers of thick paint. The intention was to use transparent
layers to achieve grays and contrast textural areas on the same surface,
finding and re-finding edges, hoping to be surprised by color and the
interaction of paint. There were some very happy passages now buried
in there somewhere . . .


martinealison said...

Bonjour Lorraine,
Je sens une certaine force dans votre tasse en son centre et cela lui donne une bonne incurvation. J'aime également toutes les couleurs dont elle est imprégnée... elle est bien ingurgitée! je ne sais pas si cela se dit, mais c'est ce que je ressens!
Votre fond a ce flou artistique qui renvoie le sujet.
Gros bisous

Pétales de fée said...

Lorraine c'est un très beau tableau ! J'aime particulièrement tous les passages nuancés qui permettent de passer d'un plan à un autre... et le choix des teintes également !
A kiss from France !

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

I like your mind! Cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.

www.kunsthafen.blogspot.com said...

This is my favorite!

Virginia Floyd said...

That's so funny, Lorraine! This is another gorgeous work. I can't imagine that what is buried is any happier than this. I love your description of your process!

kathrynlaw said...

It wears its history beautifully.