Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pansy in Simon Teabowl 2 and 1

Attempt 2 at trying to marry everything I think I've learned
lately. Attempt 1 is below. I tried a second take because I
thought I was still too cautious with the first one.


martinealison said...

Bonjour ma chère Lorraine,
Le choix de cette petite "pensée" n'est peut-être pas anodin ! ou sans le savoir elle vous aide à vous souvenir de tout ce que vous avez emmagasiné...
Je suis fascinée par votre travail méthodique. Vous avez une grande maîtrise des couleurs et des lumières. J'aime beaucoup la toute première photo qui nous montre une petite pensée en pleine lumière... telle une star qui ose se montrer et qui se détache de l'arrière plan. La seconde est plus "timide". Elle se montre avec moins de vivacité.
Un excellent travail... Gros bisous.

Carol Flatt said...

These both are lovely, Lorraine! I like how you took up the level of contrast in the second one and made the background more gradated. It seems bolder, more assertive.
However, the first one is charming as well...softer, more delicate and the uneven table surface (higher on the right)solidifies it. Both are fine examples of edge and color temperature variation.

Wanda Lowery said...

I love the color and how the background enhances the flower - beautiful! It looks like you got it all together to me.

hmuxo said...

I love the colors in both pieces, Lorraine. Wonderful work!!!

suzannepaints said...

Hi. I'm going with the first one!
'Abandoned' is just perfect.

Virginia Floyd said...

Wow, Lorraine! I love # 2! That beautiful background and the green in the shadow really make it work. Fabulous!