Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Lonely building between the freeway and train tracks.


Carol Flatt said...

Lorraine, this is outstanding! I love the concept of old, unused structures, and this one maintains its stateliness in spite of it being abandoned. Wonderful colors in the shadow. Lots of interest.

hmuxo said...

wow! painted beautifully!!! Love the way you painted the building!!

LS Nelson said...

You managed to capture the essence of 'abandoned, but hopeful for a future' in this painting. Art is amazing!

martinealison said...

Aller à l'essentiel et jouer avec la lumière... Vous le faites admirablement bien en mettant en scène des couleurs aux tonalités harmonieuses.
Une belle peinture... Continuez à m'enchanter!
Gros bisous

Helen Cooper said...

Absolutely love this! The cool greens and warm browns add so much interest in the large shadow area. Wonderful !

Thank you so very much for your lovely comments on my blog.

To answer your question about painting larger works..... I used to paint larger pieces but haven't for a while, however lately I've been thinking about doing just that.