This is another of the few survivors from the 3-weeks of painting oranges
binge, an early one when the hydrangea was still alive. I don't mind
reworking a painting but have learned to let them dry for a few days
before painting on them again. If the surface is not really dry, the new
layer of paint sinks in to the previous and dries "murky." It's satisfying
to try to salvage a painting that's not working—I feel much freer to try
something different, push and experiment a little more on a panel I already
consider a loss. And, I've accepted that I'm not really an alla prima painter.
Feel more comfortable layering and building a surface, letting previous
layers show through.
A few people commented on how great it was that Abend Gallery chose
my painting for the invitation. For a split second my heart leapt to my
throat when I saw it, but I think they created an individual digital invitation
for each artist . . . quite a lot of work and really nice of them!
And now I'm off to struggle with . . . tangerines!!
Wonderful- love the light on these. Enjoyed reading about you not being an alla prima painter. I typically like that best but will learn from you and try some layering. Your colors are beautiful! Don't let those tangerines get ya! Have fun!
You are a master of light, Lorraine. I've noticed that time after time in your paintings. Here, the way the light showcases the oranges and the top layers of the hydrangea. I love the way you perservere in your painting! A wonderful model for me!
Gorgeous painting, Lorraine!!
Votre manière d'avoir traité le sujet est particulièrement intéressant et le résultat magnifique. La lumière, les couleurs et le travail des ombres sont fantastiques. Votre fleur d'hortensia est d'une légèreté et d'une grande délicatesse...
Gros gros bisous
Hi Lorraine,I am a not an experienced oil painter, but I do like, as you, the painting to dry before repainting and let the old paint show from underneath. I like that effect.
You are an expert in oranges by now, so of course this is another great work of art!
Thanks for sharing your technique, Lorraine. I love how the earth tones show through the soft blue background...beautiful job on the oranges!
Great values on the oranges Lorraine. And as always I love your loose brushwork. Wish I could do that!
Three weeks of painting oranges?? I think it has paid off, big time. These two guys are gorgeous. Of course, the light, as everyone has mentioned and the contrasting color, but I am also in love with your edges. I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR EDGES!! Also that sliver of reflected light on the shadow side of the orange is genius and makes the painting (in my humble opinion)
Have a great holiday...sorry I have not been around much lately, just too many other tasks this time of the year. Merry Christmas
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