Another in the series of distance paintings . . . with each one, I try to start
out thinking about abstract stuff right from the start. Always, at some
point, I realize I've gotten prissy and cautious, take a break and regroup.
I'm finding it helpful to work on the same subject, especially a subject like
this that doesn't nag me to try to be faithful to the scene.
I have missed lots of great paintings . Loving your landscapes. Smart painting same scene multiple times.
Love your brushwork and the looseness. I think it is a natural progression to want to evolve into abstracting things. Fun to do both and you can.
This definitely conveys a sense of distance and space, Lorraine. Reminds me of places in Colorado. Beautiful.
Beautiful. I like the blues and your greens. I think it has a very nice abstract quality to it.
I like your idea of painting a series like this and your approach to the abstract qualities of them. Really beautiful.
Wonderful - and perfectly titled.
I really like the abstract feeling you have created in this painting and the series. Nice texture also. Great idea to do a series of the same subject.
Love the cool strokes over warm colors peeking through... and the lighter distance. This is what you were after. Distance. You are doing it so well.
Prissy??? cautious maybe but I cannot see prissy anywhere. You gave me a lovely laugh with that one.
Another gorgeous landscape, Lorraine!
Waouhh, Lorraine ces paysages sont d'une beauté incroyable, je les trouvent magnifiques!
There is great movement in this piece. I love your greens too.
Great painting, I love the movement and the brushstrokes. Really nice.
LOVE the movement.
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