Saturday, August 24, 2013

March of the Trees 3

Another in the series of distance paintings . . . with each one, I try to start
out thinking about abstract stuff right from the start. Always, at some
point, I realize I've gotten prissy and cautious, take a break and regroup.
I'm finding it helpful to work on the same subject, especially a subject like
this that doesn't nag me to try to be faithful to the scene.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tree Line - Sold

I have the hardest time making a landscape be green. There are many
iterations of this painting in various greens but after living with them
each for a few days, they seemed overwhelming.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Settling In—Sold

Montana's sky was constantly changing and endlessly fascinating . . .
thought I'd give painting it a try. This reminds me of cooler weather
elsewhere after a week of 102-105 degrees in San Antonio. Pray
for rain!